9519 Critzer Shop Rd
Afton, VA 22920
- 4 CE hrs
- Check in at 12:45 pm
- Seminar from 1-5 pm
- CE approved by the VA State Bd & the Appraisal Inst.
- Seminar created and presented by Bryan R. Wallace, SRA
Flood maps are a part of appraising, but what do they mean? Appraisers should have a basic understanding of why flooding occurs, how to read a flood map, and where to find someone to help them learn more. Recognize the different types of flooding, learn how the National Flood Insurance Program is administered, and understand the components of a Flood Insurance Rate Map.
Social time starts at 5 pm. Dinner seating is at 6 pm.
Buffet dinner. One drink ticket per person, cash bar thereafter.
Cancellation Policy
Any & all cancellations are subject to an admin fee. No credit/refunds for cancellations made on or after 7 days prior to class. No credit/refunds for no-shows. Our cancellation policy is stated on the registration portal.
Email: lisamayweiss@hotmail.com Call: 856.415.0281